Just In Case You Didn't See: Holtz Rejection is Official

Thursday, December 11, 2008

From the East Carolina University Athletics website: "East Carolina's Holtz Offers Closure To Syracuse University Opportunity"

Skip on the record:

"While it is always flattering for others to have an interest in your abilities,
I simply am too focused on our preparations for the bowl game and many other of
our short and long-term goals to fairly evaluate what I feel is a promising
situation at Syracuse."

When Skip referred to Syracuse as a "promising situation" do you think he threw up in his mouth a little bit?
"I appreciate Syracuse's interest but that certainly is a direct reflection on
what our players, coaches and the Pirate Nation have been able to accomplish,
especially through a season that featured so much adversity."

In all seriousness, Skip Holtz is a class act just like his father. Good luck to him and here's to hoping the Pirates knock off Kentucky in the Liberty Bowl. Syracuse fans should keep their heads up; you'll get your man soon enough.